Marketing, Technology conference in Vändra, Estonia (November 21, 2021)
AI and personalization of digital services

AI and personalization of digital services

Artificial intelligence (AI) have transformed the way businesses provide digital services to their customers, and one of the most significant impacts has been the rise of personalized experiences. By leveraging AI and machine learning algorithms, companies can analyze vast amounts of data and gain insights into customer behavior, preferences, and needs. This data can then be used to tailor digital services, such as websites, mobile apps, and chatbots, to meet the unique needs of each individual customer. This personalized approach can lead to increased customer satisfaction, engagement, and loyalty, as well as higher conversion rates and revenue for businesses.

Personalization in action

There are many examples of companies using AI to personalize their digital services. Here are a few:

  1. Netflix: Netflix is a streaming platform that leverages AI to personalize the content recommendations it provides to its customers. By analyzing the viewing history, preferences, and behavior of each user, Netflix is able to suggest movies and TV shows that are tailored to their individual tastes. This personalized approach has been a key factor in the company’s success.
  2. Spotify: Spotify is a music streaming service that also uses AI to provide personalized recommendations to its users. By investigating the music inclinations, listening history, and conduct of every client, Spotify can make redid playlists and make music proposals that are custom fitted to their singular preferences.
  3. Amazon: Amazon uses AI to personalize the shopping experience for its customers. By analyzing their search and purchase history, as well as their behavior on the site, Amazon is able to provide customized product recommendations and targeted advertising that is tailored to their individual preferences.
  4. Sephora: Sephora is a beauty care products retailer that utilizes AI to customize its digital administrations. By examining the skin type, cosmetics inclinations, and buy history of every client, Sephora can give customized suggestions for cosmetics items and skincare schedules that are custom-made to their singular necessities.

These are just a few examples of how companies are using AI to personalize their digital services. By leveraging the power of data and machine learning, businesses can create a more personalized, engaging, and satisfying experience for their customers, ultimately leading to increased loyalty and revenue.

Benefits of personalization

Personalization of digital services has become increasingly necessary in today’s digital landscape as customers expect more personalized experiences. In fact, research shows that 80% of customers are more likely to do business with a company that offers personalized experiences. Here are some of the reasons why personalization of digital services is necessary:

  1. Increased Engagement: Personalized digital services can increase customer engagement by providing relevant and timely information that meets their unique needs and interests. This can lead to higher click-through rates, more time spent on a website or app, and increased interactions with a company.
  2. Improved Customer Experience: By personalizing digital services, companies can improve the overall customer experience, making it easier and more enjoyable for customers to interact with a brand. This can lead to increased satisfaction, loyalty, and advocacy.
  3. Higher Conversion Rates: Personalized digital services can lead to higher conversion rates as customers are more likely to make a purchase when they receive personalized recommendations that are relevant to their needs and interests.

According to a study by Epsilon, personalization of digital services can lead to a 17% increase in revenue. Additionally, a study by Accenture found that 91% of customers are more likely to shop with brands that provide personalized offers and recommendations. These statistics demonstrate the significant impact that personalization can have on digital services, from increased revenue to improved customer loyalty and advocacy.

Challenges of personalization: mission failed examples

While personalization of digital services has many benefits, there are also examples of personalization that have failed to meet the expectations of customers. Here are a few examples of failed personalization in digital services:

  1. Facebook’s “Year in Review” feature: Facebook’s “Year in Review” feature aimed to provide a personalized recap of the year for each user. However, in some cases, the feature displayed inappropriate content, such as images of deceased loved ones or reminders of difficult life events, leading to backlash from users who found the experience insensitive and hurtful.
  2. Target’s pregnancy prediction: In 2012, Target made headlines for its pregnancy prediction algorithm, which analyzed customer purchase data to predict when a customer might be pregnant. While the algorithm was successful in identifying pregnant customers, some customers found the targeted ads to be invasive and creepy, leading to concerns about privacy and data use.
  3. Amazon’s recommendation engine: Amazon’s recommendation engine, which uses machine learning to provide personalized product recommendations, has come under fire for its lack of diversity and tendency to reinforce biases. For example, the engine has been criticized for recommending only products that are traditionally associated with certain gender or racial groups, leading to concerns about algorithmic bias and discrimination.

These are just a few examples of personalization in digital services that have failed to meet the expectations of customers. While personalization can be a powerful tool for improving customer engagement and satisfaction, it is important to balance personalization with sensitivity, privacy, and diversity to avoid negative consequences.